complete wellbeing

build strength

Focus on strength and performance and the rest will follow.

feel energised

Improve your mood and leave feeling great inside and out.

find balance

Reduce stress and feel the benefits of investing in your health.


FT30 is complete functional training in 30 minutes.

It's personal training, without the price tag.

Each hybrid session will give you all the benefits of PT plus the fun that comes with training with a small group of people, all with goals just like yours.

Our expert coaches curate the best tried and tested strength and conditioning programmes to make sure you get jaw dropping results.

Every month you’ll have access to a variety of different classes, designed at targeting the entire body to help you achieve your goals - so whether that's a smaller waist, a firmer bum, a healthier heart, improved strength or renewed confidence - We’re able to get you there.

How are the sessions going to do this?

With 30min focused sessions such as; core bootcamp, boxercise, kettlebells and more…Your membership will give you ultimate flexibility with access to up to 4 semi-private personal training sessions in our boutique studio gym each week.

All training is with expert coaches and your group will be filled with like minded people ready to succeed.

So, if you’re short on time, but still want great results, this is the perfect option for you.

FrOM £89 per month

find out more

run for it

The ReActive Coaching Run Club is completely unique...

When you join, you'll benefit from weekly sessions instructed by fully qualified UK run leaders and personal trainers.

Unlike other run clubs, you'll also have access to weekly strength and conditioning sessions aimed at improving your run times, technique and overall performance.

Run for It is ideal for those looking to speed up their 5k, enhance endurance for an event or even budding triathletes looking to gain an advantage.

Our run for it sessions are designed for beginners and intermediate runners who are looking to up their game and get more out of their sessions.

So if the Coach to 5K has left you feeling underwhelmed and you're ready for your next challenge, look no further!

FROM £49 per month

sign up today

sports massage

The perfect way to ease muscle tension from training or relieve the stresses of everyday life.

Each massage is tailored to your needs, so an initial consultation will be carried out.

Together we will focus on any areas of discomfort or tension, discuss your preferences and work the muscles to your level of tolerance so that you can relax, unwind and feel rejuvenated after every treatment.

Sports Massage Therapy is also highly reccomended for endurance athletes to aid with recovery and injury prevention.

Choose from:
- Full Leg
- Neck, Back and Shoulders
- Full Body

From £45
book now

Book a consultation and start your journey today!

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